The block is freshly honed and cleaned.

This block is a core from a good customer. It is bored to

The core block had already been decked so I had the machine shop
simply clean and buff the deck.

The entire rotating assembly was sourced from SCAT. They
originally sent an SRP piston and I exchanged the SRP for the Mahle.
The piston/rings/pin/locks combo is 10 grams lighter. Now the
crankshaft is at the balance shop for a re-balance.

The affordable yet still sturdy SCAT I-beam connecting rod with
7/16" rod bolts.

Piston part number Mahle SBC125040I16
Rod big end 417g
Rod bearing 42.5g
Oil 4g
Rod small end 159g
Piston/pin/locks/rings 591.5g
Bob Weight = 1673.5g

Mahle 4.040" piston checked for piston-to-wall clearance,
(.0030) just on the high side of the spec.

TFS 21 degree LT1 heads (out-of-the-box)

Piston and rod assemblies.

Mahle uses a 1 gram wire lock to save weight, (every gram counts)

File fit of Mahle rings, (.020" top ring and .018" 2nd

Block painted with POR15 engine black

Camshaft installed.

Main bearing check. All beairng clearance from .0025"
to .0020"

Crank thrust is .007"

Cylinders verified clean

Installed #1 piston/rod and degreed camshaft. Found to be
106 deg intake centerline. Exactly as cam card.

Rod side clearance is .018 to .019" and rod bolt stretch is .004
to .005"

Mr. Gasket .026" thick head gasket.

Pistons are .008" in the hole

TFS 21deg heads. (no porting).