Weighing piston/pin/rings prior to ordering Callies crankshaft.

This is the core block. It's in very good shape and will be a
nice foundation for a 383.

This is the freshly machined block now ready for POR15 engine

Callies 3.75" stroke crankshaft with Callies Compstar rods
and the Mahle -16cc D-dish pistons.

Watching paint dry. I lay it on pretty thick. This POR15 can look
like a powder coating if applied thickly.

Clearanced block for rods and washed.

ARP and Milodon main studs.

Dragonslayer crankshaft. Balanced at Callies to 1752g

Main bearing clearance around 0.0020" with a mix of standard and
.001" Clevite P bearings.

Verification of oil plug.

Check out my new audible torque module. Rear main cap torqued
and thrust/crank end-play is .007"

I just started verifying rod weights. The Callies Compstar rods
were all within 2 grams. I took 2 grams off 2 of the rod big

Rod journals bearing clearance check.

Standard size Clevite HN give 0.0025"

Installing a few pistons to check for deck height and block clearance.

Good here so far.

Pistons are .005" in the hole.

Here is the tool I use that makes installing the wire lock a

Piston to wall clearance is .0035"

Piston ring gap: Top ring at .020"

2nd ring at .018"

Rod side clearance .018"

Rod bolts at .005" stretch (75ft-lb)

I cleaned up a used windage tray and pre-clearanced it for the rod
bolts, (bent up and away from the rods).

Cam bearings installed. Short block finished/complete.

The pistons are .005" in the hole. A good gasket to use
might be the GM Impala SS gasket, (.029")