This block was preserved with a thick goop to minimize rust.

Headed to the machine shop for clean and inspect.

Weights for the balance shop.

Wiseco Pro piston. 1st time I've used this pistons.
Good design underneath.


1st ring is .300" down which is nice for tubo-blower motors

It's relatively light weight for a blower piston.

Doing what I can without the crankshaft. The crank is still
at the balance shop.

POR 15 black.

Mahle rings file fit at .028" 1st and .026" 2nd.


Block cleaned up and oil galley plug installed.

Premium cam bearings installed.

LE Camshaft via Lunati

Rod bearing clearance check...

Mostly all standard size Clevite H with a few .001" under
mixed in.

Crankshaft back from the balance shop.

Main bearing clearance check. Some mains required the 'x'
size to give more clearance. The target was .0025"

Final clearance written in sharpee. 0 means standard size
and "x" means one over.

Thrust was .006"

Stock timing set provided by customer.

A look at the 2 bores that have a slight blemish. This is #2
with a bit of rust and so it required the whole motor to go to

This is #7

The remainder of the bores look good just like this one.

Rods/pistons all installed and rod side clearance is .020"
and Callies Compstar H-beam rod bolts are torqued to 75ft-lb

Pistons are .008" in the hole

Cam degree check at 110 intake centerline and the cam card calls
for 108. (loose chain)

The block deck was not milled because it was nice and square.

7.150" previously used pushrods work well to get the rocker
tip centered on the valve tip.

The chain is too loose. The chain makes a clunking sound
when you rotating the motor. Now going to install a Cloyes
double roller and convert from 93 opti to the vented opti.

Here is a photo of the nearly finished long block. Now
taking a break from the build to deal with the timing set.

Customer agreed to a vented opti-spark. I made the pin
shorter previously and so now I need to remove it and put in a longer
pin. This pin will not be persuaded. I finally broke it
off and drilled it out.

A Cloyes double roller was installed.

Crank sprocket at +2.....

...gives 108 intake centerline exactly as cam card shows.

Scorpion self aligning rockers.

Stock windage tray

modified and bent to clear the rods.

Stock oil pump.

Stock oil pan cleaned up as much as possible.

I cut and peal back the dipstick hole in the windage tray.
Less metal shaving potential.

Oil pan on. Notice my shop is now in the garage.

Valve covers on and dyno manifold on as a dust cover.

Now we wait for the delivery of the Jeg's
crank damper.

I moved the assembly shop into the 2-car garage due to a pending

Pressure test of the oil system. I used a heavy 15W-40 oil
here so the 60psig is higher than usual.

I use an 18v battery powered drill.

It only took 1 minute for the oil to reach all of the lifters.

Now at the dyno. Morgan International

One delay was that I only had a neutral flywheel for the dyno.
I purchased a stock "external" flywheel and now I can run
any balance combo on the dyno.

750 Holley carb

Hot after the dyno session.

Oil and rockers look fine.