Elliot Port Works TFS heads

Wiseco -20cc K0066A3 Pistons

King bearings, Total Seal file fit rings, Callies Ultra rods

Bob-weight = 1831grams

Top ring is made of a steel material

The nicely machined block arrived from Golen.

Painting one side at a time.

These are 23 deg TFS 185cc heads with what look like Manley NexTek
valve springs.
I cc'ed #1 chamber and I
always do it at least 2 times due to the high chance of error.
Here I found 65cc. The grease cannot be in the chamber...the
fluid cannot seep out of the chamber. It's not easy but the more
I do it the better I my technique gets. (and faster). I have a
100ml graduated cylinder and 2ml and 10ml pipettes. I pour in
60ml with the 100ml graduated cylinder and then pipette the rest.

Assembly of rods to pistons.

1 spiro-lock per side. The most difficult part of engine building.

1 hour later: The pistons are "L" "R"
valve relief.

To the LEFT: Verification that the oil plug is installed.
Above: The cam bearing installation tool.

Cam bearing in. Camshaft in.
It is a Lunati camshaft spec'd out by Lloyd Elliott.
223/230/112, .565" lift

Main bearings all standard size with King HP in the billet cap
area and Speed Pro stock'ish bearings under the stock caps (#1 and

Timing set is the Cloyes 9-3651X3 which is like the GM LT4 Extreme
and comes with a water pump drive gear. I have numerous good
water pump drives laying around and will use this one in the photo as
a donor.

Now I want to mock-up #1 piston/rod so that I can degree the
camshaft and see if the piston is in the hole and put the head on to
check for pushrod length. (I need to order the pushrods).
The Callies Ultra 6" I-beam rods are torqued to 80ft-lb and
stretched to .006". King HPN bearings (standard) give
0.0024" to 0.0026 clearance.

Piston is .007" in the hole and thus the block is probably
around 9.010 deck height very close to what I ordered from Chad Golen.

Nice photo of the dot-to-dot on the timing set, (crank sprocket at

Intake centerline at 108 deg. Right on with the cam card.

Nice Lunati 1.6 ratio rocker.


Ring filing time. I'm shooting for .024" both 1st and
2nd rings as per Total Seal. The rings are CSL3690 35 with a
steel top ring.

I use my bore gauge for a few things. 1 is to verify the
size of the block bore, (I don't have a 4" micrometer). The
block is close...it's 4.0305". So here in the bore gauge I
shoot for 0.023" and then that gives 0.024" in the block

Lunati lifters going to soak in oil.
All rods and pistons in.

Torque of Callies Ultra rod bolts: 80ft-lb, .022" rod
side clearance here with the Eagle crankshaft.

Cloyes gear installed on the water pump drive shaft.

Cam pin ground down to fit the EFI connection cam sensor set..

Whoops. EFI conncetion cam sensor housing was not machined
to allow the cam sensor to fit. Time to exchange this cam sensor

Now cleaning head studs to make ready for the cylinder head

I'll let the ARP head studs soak in the Safety-Kleen while I work
on the oil pump and oil pan.

Melling 10552 oil pump with bolt-on pickup.

Dorman oil pan, (stock-ish)

Chasing the threads and cleaning them to receive the head studs.

Cometic gasket, (.040" thick).

Here at the left front corner of the block is where I ground down
on the deck and made a bit of a path for oil to drain back into the
lifter valley, (from the front of the cylinder head).

Head studs with RTV on the block threads and ARP goop on the head

LE ported TFS head

Nice Lunati lifter and rockers.

7.2" long, 5/16" diameter Manley pushrods

Now there is a little trimming required of the rockers for each intake
valve. (not the exhaust). The rocker rubs on the head

Customer has his own ATI damper and so I install my dyno

I think I like these Lunati branded hydraulic lifters.

Dyno manifold on. Dyno valve covers too.

Oil pump pressure test.

Set up on the engine dyno at Jim Morgan's shop.

Holley 750 carb that is generally too rich but we don't tune it
here. Just looking for general health and ball-park power and

Good ring seal and just a bit of fuel wetness.

The driving force.
This little 355 with tiny camshaft and
8.5:1 compression ratio made 416hp @5800 rpm and 411 lb-ft @ 4500
rpm. It is designed to run with 15 psi boost. I think it will do
well as designed due to the good strong stiff bottom end and good ring

Now here is a little extra modifying so that the oil pan can be
used as a turbo oil return. I fit the bung in the hole and then
had a friend weld it.

Also took the opportunity to install a windage tray with a
modified to be bigger dip stick hole. This allows the stick to miss
the hole when it bends while hitting the big main cap.

Here is the oil high pressure supply line from the block to the

A close up of the oil return fitting and it's location.

Taping and plugging holes prior to truck shipping.

Photo of the new GM oil pump drive gear. Torqued in there
not too tight. 20ft-lb

New GM dipstick tube and stick. The tube end is cut short so
as not to bump the main cap.

The stick is smushed flat in a vise so that it can pass by the
main cap.

All ready for shipping.