The big cost savings comes from using the customers short block and
stock main caps. Here is the recently machined block being
picked up from Advanced Automotive Machine in Waldorf Maryland.

And here she is at the 399 Race shop.

A few photos after giving it a wipe with oil.

I'll clean it again, put in cam bearings, freeze plugs and oil

The block was decked to about 9.010"

While waiting on crank/rods/pistons from Callies I will put the main
caps on and bag the motor and store it in my warm garage.

Before putting on the rear main cap this specific oil gallery plug
needs to be pressed in.

That is the spot.

Main caps on and torqued.

Teaser photos of the CNC ported Ai heads.

Ai heads.

Ai heads.

Just ordered the Howard's USA crankshaft today along with the rods
and pistons but in the mean-time I picked up the customer parts from
the powder coating shop.

This is actually natural aluminum with a clear coat powder coating.

The timing cover was from a junkyard motor core and so there is a
lot of pitting in the front under the water pump shaft hole.

Here is a view with the flash "on" The color looks
more accurate in the other photos with no flash.

Garage door open with more natural light.

Hey LOOK! Parts have arrived.

Mahle piston part number SBC125030F05

SCAT 6" H-beam rod with 7/16" rod bolts.

Howard's Cams Tracksmart crankshaft. USA made.


More photos of the crank.

Measuring mains, (2.4480).

Mix of standard and 001" under bearings.

Rod bolt stretch.

clearance is 0.027" with standard HN Clevites

A few photos of the weight check. I weigh the rods and the

I weigh the piston/pin/lock/rings separate and then all together as
a unit.

This data all goes to the balance shop.

Duroshield cam bearings (#5)

Now #1

Custom camshaft from Advanced Induction.

Ready for the crankshaft

Cloyes timing set. Crank sprocket pressing on.

Crank sprocket set at zero. Cam degreed dead-nuts-on.

Set up for piston ring filing.

1st ring at .022" and 2nd ring at .025"

Super close up. You can see paper towel fuzz.

Set up for piston/rod installation.

Rod bolt stretch to .005"

Bottom end installed. Rod side clearance .015 to
.018". Crankshaft endplay at .007". Rod
bearing clearance at .027" with standard size Clevite HN

Stock windage tray gets bent-messaged to clear the rods.

Oil pump pickup at 7.5" which ended up being perfect for the
stock oil pan.

Stock oil pan cleaned and messaged for rod clearance.

Block clearance for stroke.

Temporary pan installation. Still need the pan rails.

Cleaning block deck to accept gasket and head.

Piston are .010" down in the hole by the way.

Ai CNC heads.

ARP head bolts ready with thread sealant and moly-lube.

70 ft-lb

Close up of the exhaust port.

GM Impala SS head gasket, .029"

Water pump drive hole plugged with Kennedy $.50 piece.

Still need pushrod guide plates and pushrods.

POR15 engine black paint on oil pan.

Ai guide plates arrived.

I have a set of 7.050" pushrods and this is with them

7.050" (too short).

7.200" (correct)

All rocker studs in and torqued. All rockers lashed to 1/2
turn past zero.

quick oil pressure test and pre-lube of engine.

This is the drill I use. Heavy duty.

Used but in good shape oil pump drive gear installed.