Helping my co-worker Zak with his race Big Block Chevy.

This will be for a strip only race car. He's filling it
about 3/4 full of HardBlok.

About 34oz of distilled water and a bag of HardBlok.

Oops...no photos of the block fill but here we installed the heads
to simulate bore distortion.

These are Brodix CNC heads with valve job and bowl-blend by Terry Samakow, (a very notable
race engine builder who ported the heads for my 1995 Impala SS-The
Heavy Eliminator).

Our method of making the block level while the block fill hardens
for 24 hours.

Custom pistons from Diamond have arrived. We ordered 2 sets
of rings and 10 pistons, (2 extra).

Oops they forgot to do the skirt coating. Call back to
Diamond results in a pickup by FedEx and one week later the pistons
are back at my door step.
I'm on a steep learning curve here with the BBC but it's fun.